Sitegeist: New poll may be the hardest ever

October 13, 2010 by · Leave a Comment 

At long last, I’ve decided to update the poll that’s running in the right-hand sidebar.  (It says it’s over three years old, but it’s not really… I promise!)  I’m happy to see several things from the results:

  1. My own pick, Nintendo, just barely edged out a close win against Sega!  Booya!
  2. The race was really really close, so it looks like we have a nice split of fans here.  Good to know!
  3. The TurboGrafx-16 fared much better than I expected it to.  Go Turbo!

But yeah, I think the new poll might be the hardest one ever.  At the very least, this is a question I’ve been struggling to answer for years!  I mean, really, is it possible to choose the superior game when the choices are Super Mario Bros. 3 and Super Mario World?  And no, there’s no opt-out, cop-out option on this one.  You HAVE to choose!

As for myself, I still can’t decide… Maybe I’ll withhold my own vote.  That also means you might just get to be the lucky first voter!

And by the way, the Polls Archive page works now, if you want to check out the results of the last poll.